Essay on the American, French and Latin American Revolutions

The only similarity I can see between these three revolutions is that they were all about democracy to some extent, or at least about reducing the power of a monarchy. The French and Americans. Two books, by. John Lear and Dirk Kruijt are about groups that played a role in major social revolutions: the radical artists. who rode the wave of the Mexican Revolution - and. 1776: The American Revolution begins. 1789: The French Revolution begins. 1791: Haitian Revolution begins. 1803-1815: Napoleonic Wars. 1815: Latin American revolutions begin. 1839: Opium Wars between China and Britain. 1848: Seneca Falls Convention organized by feminists and abolitionists. 1861-1865: American Civil War. 1868: This took place in Haiti and started with a major slave uprising that resulted in independence and dealt the first blow to slavery. The following areas in Latin America experienced revolutions and.

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