Macroeconomic variables on ASB-based profitability and dividend financing

Indonesia's economic development plays an important role in the growth of the Islamic banking sector. It is clear that the Islamic banking sector in Indonesia needs a favorable economic situation to perform better. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of macroeconomic variables on the profits of Islamic banks. The ability of macroeconomic fundamentals to explain both stock returns and prices has been known for some time, see for example the studies of Chan et al. 1985, Chen et al. 1986. But only after the pioneering study of Fama and French 1993, from which shows that factors based on stock characteristics, such as size or BM, can also take into account: Macroeconomic factor: a macroeconomic factor is a factor that is relevant to a broad economy at a regional or national level and affects a large population rather than a few selected individuals. Objective: This study aims to empirically prove the research framework regarding firm value based on profitability ratios associated with dividend policy. The value of the company is measured using a Price-to-Book Value PBV approach. Methods: This study included a sample of companies from the automotive and components industries. This study aims to evaluate the impact of bank specific and macroeconomic variables on the profitability of commercial banks in Nepal. The study uses panel data from twenty-four commercial banks. This paper first takes macroeconomic variables as exogenous variables and then uses the GARCH-MIDAS model to address the problem of different frequencies between the macroeconomic variables and stock market volatility and to predict short-term expectations. volatility and finally takes the predicted short-term volatility as input. The impact of bank-specific and macroeconomic variables on Turkish Islamic banks is found. that non-interest income has a positive and significant impact on profitability. Nahar and Sarker. The banking sector is important for various macroeconomic and microeconomic variables in terms of mobilizing funds, increasing savings and offering alternative investment instruments suitable for the same. This article examines whether there is any impact of macroeconomic factors such as FDI, GDP, money supply, interest rate structure, inflation, gross capital formation and trade balance on Sensex. The. This study considers the internal variable called bank specific variables and external variables called macroeconomic variable for analysis of the impact on the profitability of banking system in Oman. The study aims to investigate how macroeconomic and bank-specific factors influence the profitability of Nepalese commercial banks. The panel data was collected from Nepalese commercial banks for the financial year 2007-21. The bank's profitability is measured by the net interest margin NIM and the return on assets ROA. The abstract. This dissertation consists of four essays that focus on the measurement and economic analysis of the key risk factors behind macroeconomic and financial variables using state-space models. The objective of this study was to analyze the impact of bank specific, sector specific and macroeconomic variables on bank profitability in Pakistan. In this study, the generalized two-step method of momentum GMM system estimator was applied to:

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