Issues of Convergence in Intrinsic Compensation Commercial Essay

1. Consumer Protection Laws: These laws protect consumers from fraudulent or deceptive business practices by e-commerce companies. These laws often require e-commerce companies to make this public. Extrinsic rewards are tangible rewards that companies offer their employees. These are often rewards such as bonuses, pay increases or other incentives that management gives to employees for effective performance. Extrinsic rewards can vary depending on the employee, department or industry and can vary across unique company cultures. In your ecommerce essay, the conclusion should summarize the key points and provide insight or a call to action. For example, after discussing the future of e-commerce, you can conclude by suggesting areas for further research or potential challenges that need to be addressed. The closing paragraph is the last thing the reader will remember. Intrinsic motivation refers to the spontaneous tendency “to seek novelty and challenges, to expand and exercise one's capacity, to discover and learn” Ryan and Deci, 2000, p.70 . When people are intrinsically motivated, they engage in an activity because they find it interesting and inherently satisfying. On the other hand, when the employee is extrinsically motivated, job performance can be improved by providing competitive salary, rewards, promotion and job security. These factors play a vital role in improving the work performance of employees. The target. Compensation is what employees receive in exchange for their contribution to the organization. Intrinsic rewards: It includes all activities that impact an employee's intellectual, emotional and physical well-being and do not specifically fall under the extrinsic reward system. It is the least expensive and one of the,

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