Special Interest Tourism with Exceptional Emphasis on Tourism Essay

Quot Special interest tourism can be defined as the provision of tailor-made leisure and recreation experiences, driven by the specifically expressed interests of individuals and groups Douglas.N, 2001 The word tourism used to be called mass tourism. Mass tourism was the logical outcome of important social, economic, political and... Some of the negative socio-cultural impacts of tourism on the host community include decline in morals, interruption of family and gender relations, interference with value systems and religions, reduction of culture to a commodity and staged authenticity. These are discussed as follows. At its most basic, special interest tourism is leisure travel where the activity of interest dominates and drives destination choice. The first book on this subject was compiled by Weiler and Hall, 1992. Significant conceptual work by Brotherton and Himmetoglu, 1997 distinguishes between activities of special interest tourists, focused on special interest tourism or specialized tourism, is a form of tourism that focuses on specific activities. interests or experiences. It can include anything from environmental tourism to responsible tourism and film tourism. Special interest tourists are looking for unique experiences they won't find anywhere else, so tour,

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