The Essay Author Theory Film Studies

My reading of Vertigo is that it is much more than a romantic thriller. Hitchcock has made a complex film about the human psyche pushed to its limits. In Scottie we have a very atypical hero. The opening scene leads to the death of a police officer, feelings of guilt and dizziness. The chase is an example of Hitchcock's love for pure cinema. Who better to explain what a film author is than one of the founders of author theory. In his essay 'A Certain Tendency in French Cinema', published in Cahiers du cin ma, five years before the release of his first feature film, Fran ois Truffaut proposed the revolutionary idea that the director is the real author of Author Essay on Alfred Hitchcock . What is an author? A simple way to put it is 'a director who is also an author'. Unfortunately, it's much more complicated than that. An author is someone who oversees everything. From audio and visual elements of the film to the directing task as a whole. An author should be regarded more as the 'author’.

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