Flourishing of the Principles of Good Governance Political Essay

Prinsloo 2013 recommends that good governance starts with the political will to govern well, and importantly, good governance includes fair legal frameworks that are implemented fairly. At a time of great change, accelerating globalization and increasing uncertainty, all countries, both developed and developing, are looking for a new form of governance that is better adapted to the times, in order to gain an advantage in economic competitiveness and to achieve substantial and create sustainable social growth. As for governance, perhaps the most basic and important principle of good governance is that a country's political institutions are democratic. In the words of Abraham Lincoln, democracy is a form of government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” This means that the rights and principles of a democratic government can and should be universal. While human rights provide the content, norms and standards of good governance, good governance, guided by human rights norms and principles, creates the enabling environment necessary for the state to respect, protect and fulfill..

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