A definition of tourism Tourism essay

Tourism, the act and process of spending time outdoors in the pursuit of recreation, relaxation and enjoyment while taking advantage of the commercial offerings of. Tourism is a social, cultural and economic phenomenon that involves the movement of people to countries or places Outside their usual personal environment, tourism is a phenomenon without a universally accepted definition, due to the complexity and individualism of the travelers themselves and the activities they undertake to undertake. An introduction. Tourism is the largest and fastest growing industry in the world. It is a source of income and employment. It also provides the: Tourism is literally the act of traveling to a place for pleasure or business. The tourism industry is one of the largest industries in the world and is an important source of foreign exchange for everyone. “Tourism” means the temporary, short-term movement of people to destinations outside the places where they normally live and work, as well as their activities during their stay there. Responsible tourism was defined in Cape Town alongside the World Summit on Sustainable Development. This definition, the Cape Town Declaration, is now widely accepted and adopted by the World Travel Market for World Responsible Tourism Day. Responsible tourism is about creating better places for,

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