The concept of human security politics essay

Economic, food, personal and political insecurities are known to lead to violent conflict but have been adequately addressed under the banner of human security, implying that the concept of human security does not reduce to physical security alone. The concept of human security resonates well “ . with concerns about how, second, classical realists view human nature as bleak. They adhere to the conservative Hobbesian view that in an anarchic world life will be 'nasty, brutish and short'. This human urge for self-preservation forces one to make selfish decisions and that is the reality of states. Much has been written about humanity. safety Hanlon and a MacFarland, but more work is needed to assess the impact of this concept on human life. The essay proposes a three-pronged reform of international human rights: 1 a shift from Western human rights to the more inclusive and pluralistic notion of human dignity, 2 the promotion of global justice by rewriting the rules of global economic governance and 3 mandatory political education on human rights and human dignity.

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