Yeats Poem Second Coming English Literature Essay

Yeats pronounced “Yates,” even though another English poet, John Keats, “Keets” captured the sense of entropy, or a gradual decline into disorder, in “The Second Coming.” Other writers describing disintegrating communities or societies have borrowed phrases from the poem, most notably Chinua Achebe in his novel Things Fall Apart and Joan, Introduction. The Second Coming by William Butler Yeats is a powerful, thought-provoking poem that provides profound insight into human nature. It reflects the turbulent world in which it was written, but also the fundamental shifts that have taken place in society. The First World War and the Irish unrest gave Yeats a more realistic track. This is clearly seen in his poem 'Second Coming' where he says that the best are devoid of conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity. The obscurity in Yeats' poetry is due to his occultism, mysticism, Irish mythology, use of symbolism and theory. The Second Coming is a poem written by William Butler Yeats in the aftermath of the First World War and was first published in the American magazine The Dial in. It was later included in the collection Michael Robartes and The Dancer in the.

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