Overview of Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Market Indices Financial Essay

The current study presents a systematic review of macroeconomic risk factors and stock market performance under the broader theme of multi-factor asset pricing or the Arbitrage Pricing Theory APT. Based on the review of relevant literature, the study summarizes the key findings of various research works and identifies significant findings. This research will focus on the relationship between selected macroeconomic variables and the Islamic stock market in Malaysia. The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of Aggregate. India's economic growth has positioned the country as one of the fastest growing economies. around the world and is expected to rank among the top three economies in the next decade. year. India. Stock market. Financial globalization. Market indices and macroeconomic variables. International Review of Economics and Finance, 41, 287-294. In summary, this article complements the existing literature by analyzing the existence and intensity of bidirectional time-varying causality between the stock market and five macroeconomic variables with a labor market variable, while taking into account the peculiarity of the Covid period. The rest of the article is structured as follows. Economic agents use information in forming their expectations about future returns from holding stocks. This study is an attempt to investigate the casual relationship between indexes for Taiwan. This study examines the relationship between the stock market and selected macroeconomic variables in Nigeria. The all-share index was used as a proxy for the stock market during inflation. A rise in the UK stock market index will increase the US stock market index. 616. If. the national debt GDP ratio and the US stock market index will fall. 384. On.

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