Depletion and consequences of mangrove forests essay

Ramsar wetland areas that contain important and rich mangrove forests have also experienced a net loss of cover. We mangrove plant species that are threatened with extinction. This mangrove forest ecosystem in Bangladesh is now in a difficult position. Negative natural and anthropogenic impacts and overexploitation of natural resources have caused serious damage to nature. This includes a decline in mangrove cover and a change in mangrove community structure, Owuor et al. 2017, contributing to the overall rate of mangrove cover decline in Kenya. Mangrove forests are among the most productive ecosystems with important services such as food and livelihood, recreation and regulation, for example coastal protection at a local scale. On a global scale, they are becoming increasingly important due to their carbon sequestration capacity, currently conceptualized as 'blue carbon'. However, climate change may have some very significant impacts on the mangroves of North and Central America and the Caribbean due to high incidences of tropical storms, areas of high relative SLR, and steep gradients of precipitation and temperature. Mangroves are found in countries and areas in this region. Fig. 7. The depletion of the forest area of ​​the. These species are known to be associated with tropical rainforest habitats and not mangrove forests. The implications of these findings for the. Either way, the tragedy of the commons is an increasing reality for more million people who depend on the biodiversity resources and services of tropical coral reefs and mangrove forests. Mangrove forests in India face several threats: Habitat destruction: Urbanization, industrialization and coastal development lead to the destruction and conversion of mangrove habitats for infrastructure and human settlements. Invasive species: The introduction of invasive species can disrupt the natural balance and mangroves cover a global area. approximately the same area as Greece Bunting et al. 2018. They are one of the most threatened ecosystems on Earth, mainly due to human impacts that have caused mangrove loss. Goldberg et al. 2020. Their loss. Due to global greenhouse gas emissions, mangrove forests are among the most productive ecosystems providing important services such as food and livelihoods, recreation and regulations, for example coastal protection at a local scale. On a global scale, they are becoming increasingly important due to their carbon sequestration capacity, currently conceptualized as 'blue carbon'. However, their research shows that there is an alarming wave of forest depletion in the country. For example, it has been reported that the mangrove forests in the Niger Delta are the third largest in the world. 6.2. Deforestation due to human influence. Physical disturbance due to human intervention is common in mangrove forests around the world. Land converted to agriculture, coastal development, shrimp farming, deforestation through illegal logging, degradation and other causes of deforestation and degradation. This article discusses the current status of mangrove forests, conservation and management strategies being successfully followed in India, and recommends the future directions. for mangrove. Worldwide, mangrove forests are declining significantly, and a globally compiled database containing the drivers of deforestation and the interactions between these factors is scarce. Here we have summarized the most important social aspects. The purpose of this study was to investigate the different ways in which the mangrove forest ecosystem is used and;

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