Russian foreign policy towards the post-Soviet sphere politics essay

The Council on Foreign Relations' book Russian Foreign Policy: The Return of Great Power Politics analyzes the development of Russian foreign policy since the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the first comprehensive treatment of its kind, Bobo Lo examines the trajectory of Russian foreign policy in the decade following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Using a conceptual approach, he identifies the key ideological and institutional factors that have influenced decision-making thinking behind policy. Bobo Lo challenges many. The second part of the book uses Schmitt's theories of international relations to study Russian foreign policy, including a detailed case study of the annexation of Crimea, a new interpretation. Russian policy towards its near abroad exhibits elements of both neorealism and constructivism. A realistic perspective on Russian foreign policy seems evident as Russia pursues its own national or imperial geopolitical interests. However, this may not satisfactorily explain Russia's interventions. After Vladimir Putin came to power, Russian foreign policy focused on keeping former Soviet republics within the Kremlin's sphere of influence. All Russian efforts towards former Soviet republics in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus were intended to prevent these states from seeking rapprochement with Western political and military power. Portraying the contemporary Russian regime as a modified continuation of Soviet authoritarianism, the resolution called on the Russian government, for the support of civil society, to embrace the following policies: to infuse Russian civil and political culture with positive qualities through state-sponsored programs that would assess whether Russia has released a new “foreign policy concept” articulating Moscow's global priorities and focus. the future. The latest draft of the Kremlin's foreign policy was released two years after the invasion of Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea. In the years since, Moscow has shown its increasing disdain for the,

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