Literature Review Earnings Management essay

The best proposals come at the right time and clearly explain why readers should pay attention to the proposed topic. It is not enough for a review to summarize the latest growth in the literature: the. Earnings management is of great importance to business stakeholders. Fields amplifier, literature review. Filatotchev et al. performance. book Review. Earnings Management under the Positive Theory of Accounting: A Literature Review. Authors: Yasser Almeshref. Yousif Aftan Abdullah. University of Baghdad. Waleed Al-obaidi. Sousee. Companies often change their operating policies to meet a short-term financial reporting objective. Accounting researchers call this opportunistic action Real Earnings Management REM. They measure REM by the difference between a company's costs and those reported by industry peers. Companies Pursuing Different Competitive Strategies, P Brawley Drive. Atlanta SW, USA Abstract. The purpose of this article is to review current articles and research papers regarding influences on and. standards for quality. The literature review shows that Mihret has made it clear that when management measures earnings management based on discretionary accruals, this is negatively correlated with the quality of the audit. Although Yasser and Soliman (4) found that audit firm size is negatively correlated with discretionary accruals, auditors generate fewer discretionary accruals. Literature reviews are in high demand in most scientific fields. Their need arises from the ever-increasing production of scientific publications. By comparison, Web of Science, for example, has three, eight and forty times as many articles indexed on malaria, obesity and biodiversity, respectively. Given such mountains of papers, the above analysis shows that the earnings management literature is. mainly focused on the factors affecting earnings management. 69 of the earnings literature. Abstract. Based on a literature review of major accounting journals, this article attempts to provide a comprehensive overview of recent earnings management research and provide a critical classification of articles on this topic, as well as a search for gaps in the current literature. A selection of leading journals was systematically reviewed, Street, San Francisco. This exquisite Edwardian family house has a main area of ​​sq.m. I am new here. If you are unable to write your essay, then the best solution is to hire an essay helper. Because you need original paper to submit without any problems, copying and pasting from the Internet is not sufficient. Discuss the details of your assignment and rest while your chosen writer works on your order. 8521. Finished papers. 1349. Finished papers. Level: College, High School, University, Masters, PHD, Undergraduate. prepared. 2456, Essay writing help from a premium expert is something everyone should try. It won't be cheap, but money is not the reason why students in the US seek the services of premium writers. The main reason is that the quality of writing that premium writers produce is figuratively out of this world.

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