Best form of political settlement for aristotle philosophy essay

Modern scholars, such as M. Nussbaum and R. Mulgan, are accustomed to recruiting Aristotle to contemporary political discussion and its core ideas, such as “sharing the common good,” “how to live as a citizen with others,” “emotional bonding between citizens' or 'personal virtue and social justice' lead to constant conflict in Preview. Contemporary political philosophy, says Paul Schollmeier, has lost its way. Following the example of John Rawls and Robert Nozick, political philosophers have become “little more than mouthpieces for the status quo,” whose theories aim to “justify political societies of the kind in which we currently live.” Aristotle, one of Plato's greatest students, was born before Christ. Aristotle's father was a physician to the king of Macedon, and when Aristotle was seven years old, his father sent him to study at the academy. He was there initially as a student, then became a researcher and finally a teacher. The topic of equality is discussed in various contexts in Aristotle's Politics from Books II to VII. It is especially prominent in the so-called empirical books, books IV through VI. Politics V, which deals with the sources of change in various non-ideal constitutions and how best to preserve these constitutions, begins with a discussion of equality.

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