The role of erotic love philosophy essay

Reprinted amp permissions. Read this article. This essay historically examines philosophical views on the nature and meaning of human sexuality, beginning with the ancient Greeks and ending with 19th century Western philosophy. Important figures from the history of philosophy and theology discussed include Sappho, Plato, Aristotle. Essays explore new perspectives on the nature of love and erotic desire. Johnny Cash was not known for his philosophical insight, but when he compared falling in love to falling into a 'ring of,' according to The Bloomsbury Dictionary of Words, while the word 'love' initially meant 'to find comfort', it later took on a different meaning. twist. associations with “praise,” “trust,” and “faith”' Cocola, Jim. This follows a common pattern in romantic relationships that starts with pleasure, moves to admiration, and finally becomes about trust. Philosophy is primarily a way of life, focused on the soul and development. of our humanity – in its most diverse aspects and to its utmost potential. That such a life is possible. My essay on philosophy of education reflects my belief that the role of education extends far beyond the transmission of information. Inspired by Romanticism, I support the idea that education should ignite a passion for learning in students, and foster an environment where curiosity thrives and a genuine love of knowledge is cultivated. Audre Lorde's account of the erotic is one of her most celebrated contributions to political theory and feminist activism, but her explanation of the term in her short essay "Uses of the Erotic" is famously oblique and ambiguous. This article develops a detailed, textually grounded interpretation of Lorde's eroticism, based on a. Love encompasses, reflects and reinforces the 'imprisonment' of the self in the institutions of modernity, institutions, albeit shaped by economic and gender relations. Art from love goes hand in hand. This introductory text offers a clear, concise look at the philosophy of love. The author's presentation assumes no prior knowledge of philosophy, providing the student of the humanities with an insightful introduction to some of the most prominent writers and philosophers, both ancient and modern. From the dialogues of Plato to the writings of: Probably for as long as there have been students and teachers, students have often felt a visceral sensation in the pit of their stomachs when they are ignited by a new passion that also happens to be exemplified by a powerful teacher. However, in recent decades it has become taboo to discuss the erotic dimension of mentoring. Nevertheless, it has a very strong side. Fromm defines love as what he calls 'the productive orientation' of the psyche, an 'active and creative connection of man with his fellow man, with himself and with nature'. He writes: In the realm of feeling, the productive orientation is expressed in love, which is the experience of union with another person, with all people, and with nature. By definition, love can be an emotion that is explored in literature, philosophy, and religion, often as the love of God, romantic love, or the brotherly love of others. As I searched for the meaning through articles, the internet and books, I noticed that the meanings changed slightly, but love had a similar fundamental understanding.

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