Hindu Temples in Southeast Asia Theology Religion Essay

A third of Christians in India (together Hindus) say they believe in the purifying power of the Ganges River, a central belief in Hinduism. But this real and imagined outrage should not blind us to the contribution of the Brahmins, especially their role in creating the temple states of southern India and even across the sea in Southeast Asia. To understand the role of religion in state formation, we must look at the history of Ghana in the 8th century and Mali in the 13th century in West Africa. The broad coverage of topics offers teachers flexibility when creating a syllabus. Essays provide valuable alternative philosophical perspectives on topics available in Western traditions; The vast majority of Indians say they have not worshiped at religious sites belonging to other faiths. But some have, especially in Hindu temples. For example, 38 of Buddhists say they have worshiped in a Hindu temple, as do about one in five Sikhs 22, and Christians 20. By comparison, fewer Muslims 8. Here are five key findings from the report, which is based on more, answers collected in. The countries studied are highly religious in different ways. For example, most people in all six countries – including near-unanimous shares in Indonesia and Malaysia – say they believe in God or are not seen.,

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