Overprescribing Antibiotics for Children Health and Social Care Essay

The current article is an integrative and analytical literature review of the concept and meaning of empathy among health and social care professionals. Empathy, which is the ability to understand a patient's personal experience without building a bond with him or her, is an important communication skill for a healthcare provider. In health and social care, empowerment is defined as a process through which people gain more control. about the decisions and actions that affect their lives. Empowerment is important for everyone. The history of antimicrobial resistance The evolution of AMR and the diversity of environmental resistance indicate that AMR is an ancient natural phenomenon. Acquired resistance is a public health problem influenced by the anthropogenic use of antibiotics, leading to the selection of resistant genes. Data shows that AMR is spreading worldwide. Background Physicians working in primary care are potentially the most influential healthcare professionals in addressing the problem of antibiotic resistance, as this is where most antibiotics are prescribed. Despite a number of evidence-based interventions aimed at controlling community infections, self-medication, as a form of self-care, is a common practice worldwide, often involving both over-the-counter and prescription-only medications. medications, including antibiotics, antimalarials. Our health and social care essay writing service is designed to give you the extra help you need to complete your next paper. We match academic writers, qualified in a huge range of subjects and grades, with help requests from students like you. Our writers write in perfect English and will create tailor-made health and social policies. Factors associated with antibiotic use are both community and hospital based, as studies have reported increasing use of antibiotics by parents and caregivers, as well as health care providers. 19. Background: Antibiotics have become the cornerstone for the treatment of infectious diseases and have contributed significantly to the dramatic development of global healthcare over the years. Millions of people are now surviving what used to be life-threatening infections. But antibiotics are finite resources and misuse has led to antibiotics. Dental antibiotic prescribing patterns are known to differ between countries 6 , influenced by a range of factors, including differences in clinical guidelines such as therapeutic versus. Background Excessive and inappropriate antibiotic use contributes to growing antibiotic resistance, a major public health problem. Strategies need to be developed to improve antibiotic prescribing. Our goal is to review educational programs aimed at improving physician and/or antibiotic prescribing. The call for social norms feedback strategies in antibiotic stewardship is increasing to reduce irrational antibiotic prescribing, especially in primary care. Comparisons are not new to healthcare. Evidence shows that peer pressure has a significant effect on prescribing decisions. Antibiotics were prescribed. 0 colds. 5 cases of acute bronchitis. Of the antibiotic prescriptions contained,

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