Classification essay

Maggie Worth. A classification essay is an essay in which the writer sorts a number of items into categories. Categories can be very specific and based solely on facts, or they can be broad and determined more by subjective opinions. Such essays start by establishing the topic of the article and listing the categories, and then move on to: Choosing a Topic: Selecting a topic for your classification essay is like choosing the perfect outfit for an occasion : it must be appropriate and you must feel confident in dealing with It. Start brainstorming sessions. Write down ideas that pique your interest or look at everyday objects and concepts from a new angle. A classification essay differs from a typical five-paragraph essay. The number of paragraphs here depends on how many categories you have. Start each body paragraph with a topic sentence. In other words, start with a brief summary of the content presented in that specific paragraph. Outline the classification essay. Next, let's create an overview of the classification essay. Imagine your essay as a plot of land: your classification outline is the blueprint that guides your construction. Start with your broad topic at the top and your thesis statement. Then provide an overview of each category. And don't worry, dear reader, you can name your own.

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