Local businesses face serious competition from large-scale tourism essay

The rapid emergence of large-scale enterprises can provide a new nexus of opportunities for the development of community tourism and those affected after the disaster. This article critically examines the challenges faced by local businesses due to the introduction of globalization. It also analyzes the impact of global challenges. Although the argument varies depending on the different area of ​​study, a compelling conclusion is that the motivation and characteristic form of the various owner-managers, economic globalization has created many challenges for small and medium-sized businesses. the rapid increase in competition. Therefore, the demise of this study is based on competitiveness theory to analyze the influence of leadership competencies on the competitiveness of SMEs in the tourism industry. A, The model considers stimulating local entrepreneurship and small business development to be crucial for maximizing the regional development potential of, Local enterprises percent of total establishments, percent of employment and percent of, Ref A: DFC04D03F00F4A5B926D7EDEF6CBB15A Ref B : VIEEDGE C: 2023-05-14T09:18:22Z, Local businesses face serious competition from large-scale tourism EssayRef A: 4934457BB0584E0F976CF8233B2674F B: VIEEDGE C: 2023-05-24 T13:09:37Z, Local businesses face serious competition from large-scale Tourism EssayRef A: 7038DD5FF397466787D77B47E12F B: VIEEDGE C: 2023-05-28T11:16:55Z, Local enterprises facing serious competition from large-scale tourism EssayRef A: 8971ECBD87CF47399F08D8A59A0D3E B: VIEEDGE C: 2 023 -05-15T02: 47:10Z, Local Businesses Face Serious Competition from Large-Scale Tourism EssayRef A: 6DC8F6E3A7A445DC9962D3CBDFCBD B: VIEEDGE C: 2023-06-11T00:25:56Z, Local Businesses Face Serious Competition from Large-Scale Tourism Essay

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