Rapid growth in the global economy essay

Significant growth in the world population, followed by even higher economic growth, so that the negative consequences, in terms of the Malt Husian view, did not prevail. Growth continued to double. This helped reduce the unemployment rate as more Filipinos joined the ICT-BPO services. The Philippines' total trade increased, reaching GDP. 4 It helped offset the weak global demand that occurred during the financial crisis. Globalization is a phenomenon and also a development process of humanity and human society. It is an essential feature of the modern age. Globalization involves the cross-border flows of capital and goods, including capital, labor, technology and natural resources. Economic globalization is a historical process, and its germination, the correlation between globalization, economic growth and poverty reduction. During the period when international trade expanded, average world income increased substantially and the share of the population living in extreme poverty continued to decline. GDP per capita is a commonly used metric for measuring the national average,

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