The Ethical Audit Essay

Ethical audit principles guide the actions of auditors worldwide to promote public trust in audit professionals. It is a requirement that auditors strictly: • Why are ethics important to organizations • What are the characteristics of an ethical organization • How can we conduct audits? The ethical standards for auditing are the independence, competence, conscientiousness and objectivity of the auditor. When carrying out their professional duties, ethics is one of the most important issues in auditing. The definition of ethics allows for the assessment of ethical implications in a variety of contexts, including: An ethics audit is a comparison between actual employee behavior and the guidelines for employee behavior provided in policies and procedures. All the more, financial accounting is a process of collecting and processing financial data to assist in decision making by parties outside the organization. Deegan and Unerman, 2006. Financial audit, on the other hand, is an objective assurance, independent and advisory. process designed to improve business operations and add value. An ethics audit would assess how well a company meets generally accepted ethical standards and its own ethical objectives as an organization. Similar to the audit opinions that companies receive for their financial statements, creating formal documentation that can certify a company as ethical would be beneficial to individuals.,

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