Solanum Nigrum and Withania Coagulans Biology Essay

Withania coagualans, commonly called Indian cheesemaker, paneer dodi, paneer phool and vegetable rennet, belongs to the family Solanaceae and is widely used in the Indian system of medicines for its antidiabetic, antimicrobial and immune modulator properties. The species name coagulans reveals its coagulant properties and therefore Solanum nigrum L., a nutraceutical vegetable found in most tropical African countries, is known for its medicinal properties conferred by antioxidant-rich phytochemicals. This study evaluates the influence of soil texture types on the phytochemical constituents and antioxidant properties of cultivated S. nigrum. Bioactive compounds such as microbially undiscovered medicinal plants may have a genetically diverse microbial population with multifunctional plant growth promoting properties. In this aspect, bacterial isolates with plant growth promoting properties were isolated from Withania coagulans Dunal and Olea ferruginea Royal. Many of these bacteria were able to do this. Solanaceae is rich in genera with medicinal values, and Withania is valued as the most important genus among them due to the possession of various medicinal properties by different species of Withania. Two important medicinal species of Withania are Withania somnifera and Withania coagulans. Tuli and W. coagulans, Withania coagulans. Shows corrective effect of the part of the whole factory. Withania coagulans dunal is a stiff, Argentinian-whitish small shrub, - Elevation. The leaves are about 2.5-7.5. Sixteen bioactive compounds were detected in leaf extract and thirty-two compounds in root methanol extract by GC-MS. The main potent compounds identified in leaf and root extracts were -hexyl 43.65 and stigmasterol 23.18. The root extract showed increased antibacterial activity than leaf extract. Herbal plants have been used since ancient times to treat and cure various health-related problems. The use of Ayurvedic medicine is very important because of the least reported side effects and the many side effects. Although significant progress has been made in understanding the chemical and biological properties of S. nigrum and S. tuberosum species, more research into the pharmacology and toxicology of these species is needed to ensure safety. Solanum nigrum: current perspectives on therapeutic properties. Alternative. Med. Rev. 16 1, 78-85. According to biological classification, Withania belongs to the kingdom Plantae plants, subkingdom Tracheophytes vascular plants, division Angiospermae, class Eudicots, clade Asterids, order Solanales, family Solanaceae, subfamily Solanoideae, tribe Physaleae, genus Withania, and species somnifera 2n, 48, adpressa , Withania coagulans is an important medicinal plant that possesses several secondary metabolites collectively referred to as withanolides. It is well known that salicylic acid stimulates plant growth. Solanum nigrum L., a nutraceutical vegetable found in most tropical African countries, is known for its medicinal properties conferred by phytochemicals rich in antioxidants. This study evaluates the influence of soil texture types on the phytochemical constituents and antioxidant properties of cultivated S. nigrum. Bioactive compounds such as: This review provides critical insight regarding the phytochemistry, biological activities, and pharmacognostic properties of W. coagulans. It is known to be diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, cardioprotective,.

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