Weberian Model of Bureaucracy and Its Critique Education Essay

Abstract. Bureaucracy is a highly misunderstood and infamous concept that is interpreted in different perspectives by the general public. For a state, the rule of law is the most important condition for its survival and the bureaucracy serves as an instrument in this regard. This essay attempts to bring out the good and the bad part of the Weberian model. Administration, as Weber notes, is a discipline of valuation orientations. as expressed in authority determinations, which require a combined investigation. traditional, legal-rational. Quote from the Weberian Bureaucracy, published by Oxford University Press. According to Gregory and Maynard 2019, 40, this would 'turn the Weberian bureaucracy and its special virtue sine ira ac studio on its head'. As such, they argue that perfection in the bureaucracy will occur 'the more it takes into account in its official affairs all the purely personal and emotional elements that may escape calculation but which make good results possible.,

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