The Seven Churches of Asia Minor Theology Religion essay

The Lord's Letter to the Seven Churches of Asia. 1. Look who's speaking Rev. 1:1-20 2. Lost love in the church in Ephesus, Rev. 2:1-7 3. Robert L. Bob Deffinbaugh graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with his Th.M. Bob is a pastor-teacher and elder at Community Bible Chapel in Richardson, Texas. The immediate audience for the Revelation recorded by John is “the seven churches which are in Asia” Rev. 1:4 ‣, 11 ‣. Asia is not the Asia of our time, which is the largest continent in the world stretching from the Pacific Ocean on the eastern border to the Ural Mountains in the west. In John's time, the region refers to the peninsula, called Amp Regions. The name Asia Minor from the Greek Mikra Asia, Little Asia was first coined by the Christian historian Orosius lc 375 - in his work Seven Books of History Against the Pagans CE to distinguish most of Asia from that region which was evangelized by Paul the Apostle with well-known locations,

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