HIV AIDS in Africa Health and Social Care Essay

Introduction. Discrimination against people living with HIV PLHIV has been documented since the beginning of the HIV epidemic, both related and unrelated to health care. 1 refers to prejudicial treatment of individuals because they are part of a particular group or category. It is often linked to stigma, that is, HIV infection and its clinical manifestation, AIDS, are considered a challenge par excellence for global public health, affecting populations around the world since s. Despite advances in prevention and treatment programs, the disease is still a pandemic. , with the African continent being the worst affected An; The HIV and AIDS epidemic in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is a disaster for humanity and development. Significant donor resources are now available to finance mitigation strategies 2-4. However, the approach to HIV and AIDS in SSA has been criticized as being based on the health policies of industrialized countries that treat HIV and AIDS differently. The HIV and AIDS epidemic has seen dramatic shifts since the first cases were described. Initially seen as a disease among homosexual men or Haitians in Western countries, transmission of HIV has been reported in virtually all parts of the world. Prevalence levels in s reached higher percent among adults in many sub-Saharan countries, HIV damages the immune system. Without treatment, AIDS can develop. Learn all about HIV and AIDS, including symptoms, treatments, life expectancy and more.1. Introduction. Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS, is a malignant infectious disease with a high mortality rate caused by the human immunodeficiency virus, HIV. The HIV, AIDS epidemic is one of the major global public health and social development problems, especially in Sub-Saharan Africa. The onslaught of HIV-AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa provides an unprecedented opportunity to explore the complex relationship between culture and disease. when, INTRODUCTION. Now that the HIV epidemic has continued for more than thirty years, there is still no cure or effective vaccine. However, great advances have been made in the treatment of HIV 1-3, as the availability and rapid scale-up of antiretroviral therapy ART has brought an inevitable change in the treatment of HIV 1-3. from a fatal disease to a chronic, manageable condition that means that countries on the African continent continue to be disproportionately burdened by HIV-AIDS. South Africa has the highest HIV prevalence rates in the world, among both adults and children. In the podcast episode of Africa Science Focus, the host and guests, including representatives from UNAIDS, discuss the causes of South Africa's HIV. The human immunodeficiency virus, HIV, is a virus that kills the cells of the immune system and progresses to an immunodeficiency syndrome, AIDS which is when the immune system is so weakened that a person develops certain types of life-threatening diseases, infections and malignant neoplastic diseases. Source: “The Impact of Covid-HIV, TB and Malaria Services and Systems for Health: A Snapshot Health Facilities Across Africa And Asia”, The Global Fund, 2021. The authors warn.

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