Role of ecotourism in achieving sustainable development Tourism essay

This study aims to assess the role of sustainable tourism with the Sustainable Development Goals SDGs. The introduction of SDGs has made sustainable tourism much more manageable within a structured and systematic set of goals. A bibliometric approach was applied based on journal publications from the Abstract. Sustainable tourism is a new development paradigm that thrives on preserving and sustaining the natural, social, cultural and built environment by involving the local community, which in turn contributes to their economic progress. This concept of planned tourism can be applied in presenting the ethnicity of local people. The shift in global politics towards the role of the private sector is explicitly visible in the SDGs through the involvement of the industrial sector in the development of the SDGs Buhmann et al. 2019. The SDGs need new central tracks for sustainability and knowledge mobilization, that can function in different sectors and regions. All SDGs are: 1. Introduction. The tourism sector has emerged as a key force for sustainable socio-economic development worldwide1,2. The idea behind sustainable tourism is to visit the sites without harming the local community and nature and also to have a constructive impact on the environment, society and economy of. Sustainable development seeks to achieve the following goals: · Eliminate hunger and poverty while maintaining a healthy life · Make basic services such as water, sanitation and sustainable energy available. Based on stakeholder theory, the article aims to explore how the tourism business model used in the Langhe region of Italy is aligned with the promotion of “sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work”, in accordance added to the United Nations General Agenda. To begin with, Dr. Jalal Afifi, Ministry of Tourism, the concept of sustainable tourism in Oman: “The potential to develop the tourism sector while protecting the country's natural resources, both in terms of components and society. Any observer of the tourist situation in Oman will see that the Sultanate is among the most important. Rural tourism is an important way to promote sustainable economic development and stimulate the comprehensive revitalization of the countryside. The key to promoting rural tourism development lies in solving the development path problem. In this article, we extracted high-frequency keywords from the text World Tourism. Recently, ecotourism has been identified as an adaptation strategy for mitigating the impacts of climate change because it can optimize carbon sequestration, biodiversity restoration and livelihood benefits, and generate new opportunities for sustaining the economy, environment and society of the area endowed with natural resources and Kelly's bricker. Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions, Arizona State University. Phoenix, United States. Special editor-in-chief. Ecotourism. Progress towards achieving the. and building a global culture of sustainable development. 2020 COVID expansion of global awareness and sustainability of travel and tourism.

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