Knowledge of stroke patients Health and social care essay

The caregivers of stroke patients provide informal care, ranging from physical assistance to psychosocial support. As a result, these caregivers may experience high burdens, which are related to characteristics of the patients and the caregivers themselves. This burden can result in a deterioration of the caregiver's health status, social life, and well-being. For the purpose of patient safety, the concept of cultural safety is defined by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Authority (AHPRA) as the individual and institutional knowledge, skills, attitudes and competencies required to provide optimal healthcare to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people -peoples. Stroke is a leading cause of death and functional disability. Although older people are particularly vulnerable to stroke, research shows that they are the most aware of the warning signs and risk factors for stroke. This study examined knowledge of stroke warning signs and risk factors among community-dwelling older adults; Background: The rise of PPI for patient and public involvement in healthcare in Britain dates back to s. More recently, campaigns by affected patients have led to a renewed focus on strengthening PPI. There is growing awareness of the benefits of PPI in research and the need to tackle power. Introduction. Millions of people around the world have complex healthcare needs1,2,3 due to multiple concurrent chronic conditions, functional and cognitive limitations, mental health problems and social vulnerability. Illness has a significant impact on individuals' lives, in addition to managing treatments and medications. including: Patients and carers are expected to contribute to healthcare monitoring and planning, and their views reflect the care they receive in hospitals 2, 3. Research among stroke patients and carers has shown that in There is generally a high degree of satisfaction with intramural care, especially when it is provided in specialist care. stroke units But a significant portion of health care providers need to openly consider issues in the patient's culture, including ethnicity and race, gender, age, class, education, religion, sexual orientation and identification, and physical abilities. unequal distribution of power and the existence of social inequality, to effectively formulate a treatment plan, Background Stroke is a major threat to public health worldwide. Psychosocial well-being can be affected after a stroke. Depressive symptoms, anxiety, general psychological problems and social isolation are common. About a third report depressive symptoms, reporting anxiety during the first months or years afterwards,

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