Brain development and the process of language learning Psychology essay

The evidence for the biological basis of language is strong, but researchers have found that newborn babies who were thought to be at a stage of development that precludes language skills are found to recognize spoken syllable patterns and show interest rather than random syllables, and that they hold that too. recognition over a long period of time. Learning can be characterized as changing and strengthening neural connections and networks in the brain. Cognitive neuroscience offers us a large literature regarding the structures and. And cognition refers to behavior 'behind the scenes'. perceiving, attending, remembering, thinking and deciding. to make. In cognitive psychology, we typically study men. numerous. History of learning psychology. One of the first thinkers to explore how learning affects behavior was psychologist John B. Watson, who suggested in his article Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It that all behavior is the result of the learning process. Psychology, the behaviorists believed, should be scientific. The key mental processes responsible for cognition are known to most people. They include perception, memory storage, learning, memory retrieval and thinking. Information that can be subjected to cognitive processing is different and dependent on the detection system. It includes visual, taste and smell, auditory and tactile.

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