Historical and theoretical perspectives on teaching English language essay reading

Despite the early emergence of oral argumentation, written argumentation is slow to develop, insensitive to alternative perspectives, and generally of poor quality. These findings are troubling because high-quality argumentative writing is expected across the curriculum and is needed in an increasingly competitive workplace, such as Schema Theory and College English Reading Teaching. Xiaoguang Zhao Amplifier Lei Zhu. of Foreign Languages, Jinan University, China. Correspondence: Lei Zhu, School of Foreign Languages. TESOL has been influenced by revolutions in the first language arts and English education, particularly in the whole language approach to reading D and writing of Freeman and Freeman, 1992. Educational researchers are charged with being explicit about their theoretical positions and to align those views with methodologies. We framed our research on reading, literacy, and English language arts education tutorials with the view that teaching and learning are transactional and that teaching,

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