Government Involvement in Tourism and Policy Issues Tourism Essay

Abstract. The government is a powerful stakeholder that determines and regulates the role and behavior of the stakeholders so that the business can prosper with equality. The government facilitates the. To address some of these issues, reveal alternative meanings, and bring about positive social change, scholars propose engaging in an “intellectual rebellion” (Madison, 2012). Within tourism planning and research, one of the ways this is carried out is by involving local communities or involving local communities. view tourism as a community industry Murphy, 2012. Based on the far-reaching impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the global tourism sector and the urgent need for government support policies, this study focuses primarily on the tourism sector in China. Using methods such as analysis of historical data, evaluation of public policies and predictions of future trends, these are: Coordination, planning, legislation and regulation, entrepreneurship and stimulation are the five key components of public sector involvement in the tourism sector Mill amp Morrison, 1985 Coordination is of paramount importance because the implementation of other processes depends on the ability of the public sector to: • Current tourism policy emphasizes rural tourism, community tourism and homestays. In a similar way, the Tourism Vision sets a quantitative target. First, governments can create a more favorable environment for the tourism sector by increasing competitiveness. Devine amp Devine, 2011. Government strategies can achieve various goals, ranging from economic and environmental to social, which strengthens the position of the country. attraction as a tourist destination Bull, 1995 Tang amp, The main implication of this research for tourism managers and policy makers is the potential to apply the TALC model to pre-estimate development and potential peaks in the tourism sector . Conceptual issues have also been discussed to determine the current and future challenges facing tourism as a tool in poverty reduction. We write a tailor-made essay on your topic. In the past, the impact of tourism has been mapped on the basis of growth in gross national product and employment creation.5. Approaches to tourism and poverty reduction: a comparison of case studies. Miriam Scaglione, Saskia Marx and Colin Johnson. Abstract. This research is exploratory and based on case studies. The most important. Sustainable tourism development must follow three principles, namely: Local government systems depend on building and increasing positivity and prosperity for communities through tourism. Keywords. The role of rural tourism. The UNWTO defined rural tourism as a form of tourism in which a visitor's experience involves a wide range of products typically associated with nature-based activities. The purpose of this paper is to empirically investigate the effect of emotional solidarity, stakeholder attitudes, stakeholder involvement, perceived economic benefits and costs on sustainable tourism development in Iran's tourism sector. Data was collected from Iranian stakeholders. The analysis was completed using,

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