Secondary Abdominal Pregnancy After Tubal Abortion Biology Essay

This study reports a case of advanced abdominal ectopic pregnancy of one week's gestation in one-year-old primigravida, whose fertilization was due to in vitro. Secondary abdominal pregnancies, on the other hand, account for most cases of advanced ectopic pregnancy. It occurs after an ectopic pregnancy. Most secondary abdominal pregnancies occur after spontaneous abortion of an ectopic pregnancy or a ruptured intrauterine pregnancy. However, we presented: Many abdominal pregnancies are caused by secondary implantation into the peritoneal cavity after abortion, rupture or uterine rupture of the fallopian tubes. Secondary abdominal pregnancies almost always follow early rupture of an ectopic pregnancy in the peritoneal cavity, with an incidence of 000, most. Secondary abdominal pregnancies occur after spontaneous abortion, tubal pregnancy or ruptured intrauterine pregnancy. However, we presented that secondary abdominal pregnancy can rarely occur after tubal rupture if the fetus remains attached to the blood supply and remains viable. Tubal abortion is a rare case of ectopic pregnancy characterized by the spontaneous expulsion of the products of fertilization through the fimbriae into the uterus. Background: Ectopic pregnancy is the leading cause of maternal morbidity and mortality during the first trimester and the incidence is increasing dramatically. with assisted reproductive technology ART, appearing in 5-2.1, of patients undergoing in vitro fertilization IVF. Abdominal ectopic pregnancy is still rare. In other cases, embryos can implant in the abdominal cavity after uterine or fallopian tube rupture, which can lead to secondary abdominal pregnancies. pregnancies can also result from assisted reproductive techniques: via uterine perforation during embryo transfer or retrograde flow of transfer media. The primary type of abdominal pregnancy is a type of ectopic pregnancy in which the blastocyst is implanted primarily in the peritoneal cavity, while the secondary type of abdominal pregnancy is initially implanted in the fallopian tube, uterus or ovary but later migrates out due to tubal or fallopian tube problems. Uterine rupture or fallopian tube abortion, then so be it. The physiopathological mechanism makes it possible to distinguish secondary abdominal pregnancies, the most common, which result either from a tubo-abdominal abortion, or from the rupture of an ectopic pregnancy of the fallopian tubes, or from the migration of an intrauterine pregnancy due to a rupture in the hysterotomy or uterus. It is secondary if it occurs after a ruptured tubal pregnancy or a tubal abortion or even a uterine rupture or perforation 3, 5. Secondary implantation is the most common, 1, 6, 7 In our case the abdominal location is secondary because the embryo was first inserted into the tubal isthmus, as evidenced by the implantation of the placenta. Abdominal pregnancies are a rare entity accounting for 1 of all ectopic pregnancies with an incidence of: pregnancies. It is further subdivided into early or late depending on the time of presentation, with a fixed point of gestational weeks, primarily if implantation occurs directly in the abdomen, Abdominal pregnancy is a rare, life-threatening condition defined as pregnancy in the peritoneal cavity, excluding tubal, ovarian or.

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