Article Summary Security Issues With Ecommerce Information Technology Essay

1 Introduction. The business market landscape has been transformed from physical to digital competition due to the 4IR demand of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the presence of new and advanced technologies Koe amp Sakir, 2020, a phenomenon called digitalization. Businesses and economies are now dependent. Due to the rapid growth of internet technology, the way of doing business nowadays has a new look. Now there is a lot of demand for online business and this mode of doing business is growing day by day. The e-commerce system provides the users with the best resources in one place with a variety of options without having to physically go to the store. The FAO UNICEF has described food security as a multi-layered concept that focuses on four key dimensions: 1. availability of food 2. access to food, including physical and economic access to food, 3 food use based on cultural and nutritional needs and 4 food stability, which that is, the stability of its supply. According to Microsoft, MFA can block potential cyber threats. Therefore, establishing MFA is a great strategy to strengthen e-commerce security. Activate MFA by installing a security plugin such as Wordfence Login Security and a third-party app such as Google Authenticator on your mobile device. 8. View Paper Volume-6, Issue ISSN: 2347-2693. The Challenges and Security Issues Faced by E-Commerce in India: An Overview. Manasha Saqib. Dept. Management Studies, University of Kashmir. Security threats in e-commerce. Payment card fraud. Phishing attacks. DDoS distributed Denial of Service attacks. SQL injection attacks. Account takeovers. Security measures to protect your ecommerce site. Transaction security in e-commerce. Secure Socket Layer SSL encryption. After extensively researching data privacy and security issues in AI-powered technology, this essay used educational articles as sources to gather relevant information. The Method Involved Considering the rapid growth and emerging trend of e-commerce have changed consumers' preferences for purchasing online, this study analyzes the current Indian legal framework that protects the interests of online consumers. An in-depth analysis of the two newly enacted laws, namely the Consumer Protection Act, Consumer Protection, E, has missed the issues and challenges faced by e-commerce businesses. This study revealed the. issues and challenges of e-commerce and a range of others. proposed solutions to these problems and. The FAO UNICEF has described food security as a multi-layered concept focusing on four key dimensions: 1 food availability 2 food access, including physical and economic access to food, 3 food use based on cultural and nutritional needs and 4 food stability, i.e. the stability of supply. The violation of personal privacy is one of the greatest. types of online infringements in the e-commerce sector. According to Kokolakis 2017, e-commerce. platforms offer hackers opportunities to g. It is widely believed that robust security increases trust, and that this will only increase eventually. the use of electronic commerce, e-commerce, Kim, C. et al. 2009. This article explores. Ecommerce. Protection and Privacy 4. An overview of database security concepts, risks, and issues. Ramyar Abdulrahman Teimoor. Department of Computer, College of Science, University of Sulaimani. 10. Stay informed. The importance of regularly updating WordPress core, security tools and plugins can be stressful.

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