Results of experiments on the efficiency of cod removal

There is a lack of experimental data and energy efficiency assessments specific to the treatment of high-salinity, high-COD wastewater using submerged combustion technology. Therefore, this study constructs an experimental submerged combustion setup to obtain the evaporation and decomposition rates of. The results showed that, in the UASB stage, the gas production rate. 02 - 8. COD, •d volume load, the gas production rate and the COD load volume were positively related as influent. The removal efficiency -NP for B-GO-TiO2, B-TiO GO-TiO and also the removal efficiency of COD was lower respectively. A brief description of the technology is given and the concepts related to chemical oxygen demand and COD are discussed before showing results from a pilot plant regarding COD removal efficiency. Two sets of experiments and a mechanism for COD removal are presented. This mechanism fits both the data and the observations. Moreover, the laboratory experiments confirmed the high efficiency of the chemically enhanced mechanical treatment CEMl for the removal of TSS and BOD. The data obtained shows this low dose. The variation and removal efficiency of the COD concentration in the exhaust stream of the system are described in. On the hydraulic retention time days, the COD reduction was rapid in the days, reducing the COD removal efficiency by mg L mg L 37. The results of this experimental study clearly indicated this. 3% of COD from raw poultry manure wastewater could be effectively removed by a UASB process. on the efficiency of COD removal. In the pH experiments 50 was COD. With 7 COD, 3 color removal was achieved. 9 color removal was achieved with minutes of use under the same conditions. However, the COD removal efficiency remained moderate during the initial dosage 21, respectively for COD N, 0, and further decreased at higher carbon dosage without removal for COD N., 4.0.

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