Relationship between Human Resource Management Practices and Organizational Performance essay

Determining the relationship between strategic HR practices and organizational commitment International Journal of Engineering Business, Al-Tarawneh, JT Saadon, MSI Maqableh, AN 2021. The relationship between HR practices and organizational performance and their operation in light of the development of use of Big Data technology. In: Musleh Al-Sartawi, AMA eds The Big Data-Driven Digital Economy: Artificial and, building on the resource-based view RBV and signaling theory, we explore an organization-level model to explain how SME EO predicts innovation performance through human resources management HRM practices and collective commitment to the organization COE. We used data collected in the field of human resources. Given the unexplored relationship between leadership, organizational virtues, and human resource management practices, the purpose of this article is to test a structural model of mediation. The results of this study can be summarized as follows: 1 HRM practices will be positively related to business performance, 2 there is a close relationship between HRM practices and business strategy, 3 business strategies will be positively related to business performance, 4 integrating HRM practices with business strategies will be positively related. There is general agreement that the impact of HRM practices in human resource management can create a comparative advantage for organizational performance when organizational commitment matters. Research on strategic HRM in the field of human resource management indicates that HPWS, also known as commitment or high-involvement, are high-performance work systems. HR systems enable organizations to improve employee skills and motivation and provide employees with opportunities to develop and improve themselves. The issue of the role and impact of strategic human resource management on organizational performance has been studied by some scholars, for example, Al-Khaled al. 2020 Bahuguna amplifier Kumari, 2012. 1. Introduction. The organization's performance measurement and management system PMMS is described as an integrated system for supporting the decision-making process through a series of performance measurements on tangible and intangible assets Smith and Bititci, 2017. This system provides feedback to employees on, Contributions to the HR - approach to knowledge management KM, this chapter aims to outline the role of human resource management HRM in supporting KM by drawing on the theoretical and empirical literature. The article is divided into two sections. The first part presents various knowledge concepts, KM perspectives and Human Resource Management HRM: Human resources are important factors in the construction of TQM, including a wide range of organizational development practices, such as recruitment and selection. In recent decades, research on HRM practices in the field of Human Resource Management, such as human resource training and development, performance management, workplace participation and compensation, has gained importance among management scholars and practitioners.,

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