Leading the Aviation Service and Catering Information Technology essay

Abstract. This research identifies relevant innovations and discusses value creation in the aviation industry. Aviation experts with experience in innovation have been selected. The aviation industry is constantly evolving and technology is playing an increasingly important role in this evolution. Key emerging technology trends in the aviation industry include autonomous aircraft, IoT, AI, AR, blockchain, 3D printing, electric and hybrid aircraft, biometrics, virtual and augmented reality training, contactless. An introduction of digital technology will be beneficial for airports and their passengers. Digital improves efficiency, which reduces costs and in turn improves the passenger experience. There is a direct correlation between security experience and the propensity to spend money. Airports are primarily commercial entities, embracing aviation automation and human capital in the future. This white paper discusses the impact of automation on aviation and human capital management in the coming years and the possible solutions to the negative experiences that are likely to arise. Liberalization: The American Aviation Sphere.

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