The importance of play for child development essay

Playing supports healthy brain development. Play is a way that babies and toddlers interact with and interact with their environment. Through play, children can safely explore their fears and practice adult roles. Play is a way that children build relationships with their peers and caregivers. Children learn about types of food and their calories from the food pyramid and basic exercises. Playing sports can give children the feeling that they belong to a group. They would learn to build friendship between their teammates. They can learn to develop leadership and teamwork skills. Children can develop a positive body image, ~ Eliminate barriers to risk-taking when playing outdoors. The benefits of playing outside are not just physical. It allows children to challenge themselves and become risk assessors. This in turn helps develop cognitive, social, emotional and self-regulatory skills. Author: Amanda Steiner, Anne Karabon, Leah Litz. Play is defined as an activity that: is characterized by involvement and involvement, with a high degree of engagement, involvement and intrinsic motivation. imaginative, creative and non-literal. voluntarily or freely chosen, personally controlled, often initiated by children and free from externally imposed rules.

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