Customer Relationship Management The Business-to-Business Marketing Essay

Pradan in particular identifies customer relationship management as an emerging aspect of retail marketing and discusses its significance in ensuring long-term growth for retail companies. The direct feedback from the customers will help the company in many ways. It helps the company to know the needs of the customers and market trends and helps to stay competitive. Well, in a B2B context and with reference to the CRM definition for customer relationship management that we introduced at the beginning of this book, B2B CRM is the strategic process of strengthening relationships with business customers, especially key customers, beyond transactional relationships to better manage value Of these, when marketing services, there are five factors that are important in achieving and maintaining customer loyalty. Reliability, security, tangibles, responsiveness and empathy are the five most important factors. Each of these factors can be important in determining the company's service quality. Marketing management is a crucial part of any business organization as it involves the planning, implementation and control of various marketing activities to achieve the company's objectives. As a marketing management student, you may be required to write essays on various marketing topics to demonstrate your summary. This study explored the CRM customer relationship management experiences of business-to-business B2B marketing companies in the mobile telecommunications industry using the qualitative focus group approach. The research was based on the resource-based view.

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