Characteristics of Female Offenders Psychology Essay

O Select at least two characteristics that female offenders have in common to use for this assignment. o Consider the implications of these specific characteristics when selecting treatment approaches and treatment outcomes that may be appropriate and effective for female offenders. Consider how these characteristics would influence the treatment itself. Although the cost of probation is roughly 869 euros, the cost for prison was 14 euros, for prison 17,794. Phillips and community sanctions are less disruptive to women's lives than incarceration and subject them to less isolation. Furthermore, community corrections can be much less disruptive to children's lives. Criminal profiling. Criminal profiling, also known as offender profiling and even psychological profiling, is emerging as a major method used by investigative and law enforcement agencies across the country. Profiling helps researchers compile a specific profile of an unknown and wanted perpetrator based on certain affects and emotions in sex offenders. Control, dominance, and other motivations in sex offenders. Pathways to sexual crimes. Mental disorder in offenders. Alcohol use and violations. Insight into the individual perpetrator. The functional analysis approach. Criminogenic versus non-criminogenic. This essay will determine why studies indicate higher levels of mental illness in female offenders. It also describes treatment plans uniquely available to female offenders. In addition, it will be discussed how mental health professionals can contribute to promoting positive mother-child relationships among prisoners. They examined the offender and victim characteristics of all registered adult female sex offenders in Texas who had signed the sex offender registry over a period of potentially seven years. , 471 3. Their sample included women who may or may not have been in prison, but whose crimes were considered serious enough to be leading. Psychology can help explain why male and female serial killers differ. ScienceDaily. Retrieved from, releases, 2019, 03, 190320110622.htmDelinquent peers have a strong influence on adolescent delinquent behavior. However, few studies have examined adolescents', and particularly young women's, own perspectives on the role of peers on their delinquent behavior. The purpose of this study was to investigate how young female offenders describe their delinquent behavior,

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