Knowledge and use of emergency contraception Nursing essay

Background In Uganda, the risk of unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions remains high due to relatively low use of contraception. There is a lack of data on knowledge, attitudes, perceptions and practices towards modern contraceptives and sexual and reproductive health, especially among young female university students; Conclusion: Although awareness about emergency contraception was high, the level of knowledge and intention to use it was low. There is a need for a targeted health education program to provide accurate information. Objective: To investigate the prevalence of emergency contraception use and knowledge among female university students from two higher education institutions. Methods: Cross-sectional study. Objectives: To assess knowledge, attitudes, practices and determinants of emergency contraception use among women seeking abortion at selected health facilities in Dire Dawa. Background Despite the availability of highly effective contraceptive methods, many pregnancies are unplanned and unwanted. These pregnancies carry a higher risk of morbidity and mortality, often due to unsafe abortion. Many of these unplanned pregnancies can be avoided using emergency contraception. Literature, A cross-sectional descriptive study on knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding emergency contraception EC was conducted among nurses and nursing students using a self-administered questionnaire. One hundred and sixty-seven qualified nursing students completed the questionnaire. Background In India, a large number of pregnancies are unplanned, resulting in unsafe and illegal abortions. For every legal abortion, ten illegal abortions take place, endangering the health and survival of the women. In recent years there has been an increase in unwanted and unintended pregnancies at a young age. Use of Background Emergency contraception EC is a method used to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sexual intercourse. Emergency contraceptives can reduce the risk of unintended pregnancy for up to an hour during intercourse. EC is useful for women who have faced failed methods or incorrect use. The high prevalence of women claiming to have used a contraceptive method during last intercourse, combined with the high prevalence of EC use, suggests that college students have a desire to delay treatment. or avoid. However, gaps in knowledge about the emergency method that could compromise its effectiveness included: · Use of emergency contraception and the type used. Use No, has 39. not 60.1, of EC used high dose 76.8 Postinor-2 High dose. Abstract. Contraceptive use is an important strategy for preventing unwanted pregnancy and avoiding induced abortion. Of all contraceptive methods, emergency contraceptive is EC. A study looked at women's knowledge and practices of emergency contraception in the US. reproductive age in Ghana. Knowledge and use of EC applied. of participants. A cross-sectional descriptive study on the knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding EC for emergency contraception was conducted among nurses and nursing students using a self-administered questionnaire. One hundred and sixty-seven qualified nursing students completed the questionnaire. Background: Emergency contraception is a unique type of family planning method that is available and allows pregnancy..

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