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The Practice of Cultural Studies will be an essential text for students of cultural studies and a useful guide for others studying culture in a range of disciplinary contexts in the humanities. Hofstede proposed four cultural dimensions in identifying the cultural difference between different countries: power distance, individualism versus collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, and masculinity versus femininity. While restructuring his research with the involvement of Chinese researchers to avoid intentional Western biases, The General Education Teacher and I would devise ways to flex and adapt our teaching styles to the needs of our students. As a team, we adjusted our instruction based on what worked and what didn't. We used what we learned to design instruction that could change based on student needs. A 2021 online training study by Slobodin et al. found that only two independent variables had a statistically significant impact on cultural competence 1, the pre-intervention level of self-reported cultural competence p, 0.005, and 2 exposure to previous cultural competence training as part of their overall educational framework. Emerging from the social unrest of -s, Cultural Studies is an academic discipline that combines political economy, communication, sociology, social theory, literary theory, media theory, film studies, cultural anthropology, philosophy, art history criticism etc. to study cultural phenomena in different societies. Culturally, This collection spans a decade of important research and brings together for the first time a selection of essays and chapters by leading media scholar Graeme Turner. The organizing theme of transition focuses both on the state of the media as it continues its evolution into the digital age and on the fields of media and cultural studies. The most accepted model is the acculturation model proposed by John Berry 1980. Berry 1980 shows that this model states that immigrants can have four different reactions to the new culture that they are: integration, assimilation, separation and marginalization. For the purposes of this essay, we are going to focus solely on integration.

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