The Contemporary Moral Problems Philosophy Essay

1. Examples. In Book I of Plato's Republic, Cephalus defines "justice" as speaking the truth and paying one's debts. Socrates quickly refutes this story by Rebecca L. Walker and Philip J. Ivanhoe eds. Working Virtue: Virtue Ethics and Contemporary Moral Problems, Oxford University Press, 2007, 319pp. Although many, perhaps even most, compatibilists have come to reject this consequentialist approach to moral responsibility in the wake of PF Strawson's seminal essay 'Freedom and Resentment', see Vargas 2013 and McGeer 2014 for contemporary defenses of compatibilism that appeal to forward-looking This collection focuses on a gap in contemporary continental philosophy: thinking about love. As the editors explain, Western philosophers tend to avoid love because it is more closely tied to the body and emotion. Instead, they are concerned with what is seen as the business of philosophy, the delimitation of reason. Virtue ethics and interconnectedness. Modern life is extraordinarily complicated – Image credits Joe Mabel, via Wikimedia. Virtue ethics has been applied to modern moral problems in numerous ways. Perhaps the central claim that virtue ethics has over other approaches is that virtue ethics would be more adaptable to Stephen Darwall's ethical problems. with terms such as morality, moral law and moral agent in early modern thought, together they form a way of thinking about a significant part of ethics that is still prevalent today. 222. Moral Dilemma Examples. 1. Exposing Your Best Friend: The person sometimes referred to as the "agent" holds a supervisory position, but has recently discovered that his best friend has been falsifying the numbers on various sales reports to increase his commissions. Type: This is a self-imposed moral dilemma. Resume. This collection of essays includes discussions of the moral philosophy of David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche, and some modern philosophers. It presents virtues and vices rather than rights and duties as the central concepts in moral philosophy. The author consistently rejects this: The present article will 1 provide a rough outline of food ethics in terms of a comprehensive theory of the good life, 2 analyze food as a moral problem, and 3 discuss some arguments regarding.

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