The Online TV Fandom on Facebook Media Essay

Facebook is a great communication platform that has increased personal relationships. It has increased online communication, without replacing telephone and face-to-face conversations. Facebook has added Masket to the aforementioned offline forms of communication by “increasing the total contact volume.” Abstract. The virtual or online community was seen by Mark Poster (1995) as central to what he called the second media age, distinguished from the first media age by new forms of interactivity and subjectivity offered by Internet technologies. Community is also central to participatory culture, the study of which has become a social and cultural phenomenon in our digital age fandom, especially in Thailand. Fans are committed and create fantext, that is, text production created by fans about their cause. Benefits of social media. The benefits of social media include easy and instant communication. It helps people connect with friends, family and colleagues regardless of geographical barriers. It allows users to share their thoughts, experiences and ideas with a wider audience, fostering a sense of community,

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