Should the voting age be lowered to 16 years essay

This article will focus on the fundamental question surrounding the idea of ​​lowering the voting age: psychological and psychosocial maturity. ORDER CUSTOM PAPER. There are many arguments supporting that the voting age should be lowered by years. year olds are allowed to have a driver's license, make a decision about that. Full electoral equality was not achieved, and suffrage as we know it today did not arise when the voting age was lowered by a bill allowing year-olds to vote in Scottish and local government elections passed unanimously at Holyrood. Other articles from Visual.ONS: The team only employs professionals with higher education. They will write you a high-quality essay that will pass all anti-plagiarism checks, because we do not steal other people's thoughts and ideas, but create new ones. You can always contact us and submit corrections, we will be happy to help you. Looking at Austria's election data, we can see that Austria's younger generation voted overwhelmingly right when the voting age was first lowered. In elections, which were the first with a low voting age, 88 years, new voters voted between -17 years, which was greater than the total turnout. Any argument in favor of lowering the voting age starts with the fact that year-olds are already seen as adults in various official ways. states and the District of Columbia are letting teens pre-register to vote, while another nine states have opened pre-registration for year-olds. The dominant view in the literature is that year-olds in the United Kingdom are not politically mature enough to vote because they lack political knowledge, political interest and stable political preferences. Chan and Clayton, 2006. I reject this conclusion and instead argue that the voting age should be lowered. Harold Wilson's Labor government has lowered the voting age. Fifty years later, some believe the time has come to lower the voting age. The idea is not new. It was.

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