The use of irrigation fertilizers and pesticides Environmental science essay

Resources and solutions: Agriculture. Farmers apply nutrients to their fields in the form of fertilizers and animal manure, which provide crops with the nitrogen and phosphorus needed to grow and produce the food we eat. However, when nitrogen and phosphorus are not fully utilized by the growing plants, they can be lost. The idea of ​​food security is a global phenomenon that affects every person. Efforts to increase productivity and yields have historically damaged the environment and reduced biodiversity and ecosystem services, with significant impacts on the poor. Sustainable agriculture, farming in a sustainable way, based on... The purpose of this publication is to explain the nature of pesticides and their history, classification, risks and effects on health and the environment. Average annual pesticide use intensity. Excessive use of pesticides is common in China; pesticides used in rice production and more, in cotton production are overused, according to Huang et al. 2001, Huang et al. 2002 However, little is known about the pesticide use patterns for different pests per crop. Due to limited knowledge and information about pests, natural systems are under increasing pressure from a range of anthropogenic global change drivers. Pesticides represent a nearly ubiquitous global change agent and have the potential to impact soil functions. Currently, the use of synthetic pesticides is at an all-time high and active ingredients are used in the EU. In terms of changes in fertilizer use due to irrigation, attempts have been made to investigate the statistical relationship between irrigation and fertilizer use. for public health, the emergence of pesticide-resistant pests, crop losses due to chemical damage and contamination of ground and surface water are some of the consequences of pesticide use, Mekonnen and Losses, for public health, animals and aquatic ecosystems in general, and costs to reduce the environment. Fertilizers Fertilizers are substances used to add nutrients to the soil to increase soil fertility and plant growth. In recent years, the use of chemical fertilizers has increased and causes serious environmental problems. Fertilization can cause heavy metals to accumulate in the soil, water and plant systems. It also causes water, soil and air pollution. The composition of pesticide mixtures in river water. 6 herbicides, 35.6 multifunctional PAS, 11.2 fungicides. 6 insecticides Fig. 1st and is analyzed in more detail in the following. Effects: Pesticides and herbicides can remain in soil and affect non-target organisms, disrupt ecosystems and potentially enter the food chain, posing risks to human health. 3. Industrial chemicals. Sources: Industrial activities release many environmental chemicals, including solvents, heavy industrial metals and organic compounds. Pest control in agricultural cropping systems is critical for food, but the negative effects of pesticides on human health and the environment have been repeatedly demonstrated. 4. The application of pesticides through a drip irrigation system has been successfully used for the. control of various vegetable pests. Because many vegetable growers already use an infusion. The transformation and modernization of traditional agriculture are needed to address its shortcomings and shortcomings that have led to environmental pollution or water problems. Precision agriculture,

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