Signs and Symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease Health Essay

Initial research has shown a link between sudden neuropsychiatric symptoms such as anxiety, apathy, irritability and restlessness and the progression of Alzheimer's disease; Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia. It takes its name from the psychiatrist Alois Alzheimer, who was the first person to describe the disease in the early twentieth century; Alzheimer's disease AD is a condition that causes degeneration of the cells in the brain and is the leading cause of dementia, which is characterized by a decrease in thinking and independence in personal daily activities. AD is considered a multifactorial disease: two main hypotheses have been proposed as a cause for AD: cholinergic disease and Alzheimer's disease. The article essentially discusses various facts about the disease including its epidemiology, risk factors, diagnostic criteria, mode of presentation, management and treatment procedures and preventive measures. The disease is identified as the most common form of cognitive degeneration with high. In addition to medication, there are a number of other treatment options for Alzheimer's disease. These include memory training, psychosocial activation and physical exercise programs. Some of these methods could potentially improve people's cognitive performance and increase their independence. The effects of very early Alzheimer's disease on the characteristics of a renowned author's writing. Brain. 2005 128 250-260. More References Early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease may include: Memory - Frequent forgetting of recent events, names and faces. Repetition - Becoming increasingly repetitive, for example repeating the same question over and over again or repeating behavior and routines. Misplacing things - Frequently losing items or placing them in strange places. Neuropsychiatric Symptoms NPSs are hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease and cause significant distress for both people with dementia and their caregivers, and contribute to early institutionalization. They are among the earliest signs and symptoms of neurocognitive disorders and early cognitive decline, but remain underrecognized. This page of the essay, download the full version above. Alzheimer's disease is caused by the death of brain cells, which means this will continue to happen and get worse. The brain shrinks as each of the brain cells dies. That is why the brain is getting smaller and smaller. Alzheimer's disease is a serious family history of the disease: including people's genes, which they inherit from their biological parents, can influence their susceptibility to developing Alzheimer's disease. Health, environmental and lifestyle factors: include the link between cognitive decline and vascular diseases such as cardiovascular disease, stroke and high blood pressure. Research shows that women are the largest population affected by Alzheimer's disease. Waldemar, pg. 108. The normal functioning of the brain has difficulty in correctly using mental functions. Sign and symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. In the beginning, Alzheimer's disease starts gradually and progresses slowly. The person may also become stubborn, distrustful, angry, or depressed. Additional symptoms often accompany Alzheimer's disease, including loss of interest in a favorite hobby or activity, change in appetite, insomnia or sleeping too much, lack of energy and hopelessness. Difficulty completing daily routine tasks. The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease vary from person to person.

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