Rate the essay on the origins of the history of the Plymouth Colony

William Bradford (1590-1657), who had arrived among the Wampanoag community in Patuxet ten years earlier, began writing a history of Plymouth. It was the first colony that the English managed to conquer. The investigation into the fate of Roanoke's 'Lost Colony' has continued over the centuries, but no one has been able to provide a satisfactory answer. "Croatoan" was the name of an island. William Brewster l. 1568- was an elder of the Leiden congregation of secessionists, later known as Pilgrims, and their spiritual leader aboard the Mayflower and later after the founding of the Plymouth Colony. The pastor of the congregation, John Robinson l. 1576 - stayed behind in Leiden, the. The founding of Plymouth Colony marks a pivotal moment in American history and represents the first permanent European settlement in New England. Here are the key points regarding the founding of Plymouth Colony: Religious persecution. The origins of Plymouth Colony can be traced back to the religious unrest in England. After the failure of Roanoke Colony and Popham Colony, England finally established a permanent settlement at Jamestown. later the Pilgrims sailed to New England on the Mayflower, landing at Cape Cod and settling Plymouth. Video. This video from Heimler's History provides an excellent view from 1637: ♦ A group of men from Saugus are given permission to settle in the Plymouth Colony and choose the area that is now modern-day Sandwich on Cape Cod. 1640: ♦ The cattle trade with the Massachusetts Bay Colonists collapses due to declining immigration to the colonies. Plymouth goes into economic decline. 1640-1660:

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