Process of Interpreting a Passage of Scripture Religion Essay

Exegesis is part of the process of hermeneutics, the science of interpretation. A person who practices exegesis is called an exegete. Good Bible exegesis is actually commanded in Scripture; Discovering the original, intended meaning of a given text through careful, systematic study is our primary task, which Fee and Stuart describe as "primarily a historical task." 27 Exegesis is an attempt to reach back in history to the original author and audience. Although exegesis is seen as a task left to the 'experts', every interpreter hates it. 1. Difficulty hearing the speaker. This is one of the biggest challenges interpreters face and the situation can have two causes. One of them is that the audio equipment is defective. The other reason could be a problem with the individual speaker. This is especially true when conducting successive 1. Rhetorical analyses. Rhetorical analysis in itself is not in fact a new method. What is new is its use in a systematic way for the interpretation of the Bible and also the start and development of a new rhetoric. Rhetoric is the art of writing discourse aimed at persuasion. There are six main steps in researching and writing an article on the theology of a book of the Bible: Study the background of the book. Provide an overview of the book. Identify and study the most important verses. Examine its relationship to the rest of point 2: we are to “study to shew ourselves approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” The following guidelines are not exhaustive, but will provide students of Scripture with a general understanding of the interpretation process. They are intended to be practical tools that everyone can benefit from. Biblical interpretation: the process of finding the purpose, meaning, and proper application of a passage of Scripture through a study of the cultural, geographic, and historical context of the literary genre's original writers and audience and constitutes textual sources and variants of language structure, word meanings and grammar and 'The meaning of Scripture lies in the canonical text and is what God intended to convey through its human authors. An interpreter discovers this meaning through careful application of the grammatical-historical method of interpreting a text in its canonical context, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and in the community of Christ..

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