Current Marketing Essay for Indian and Afghan Food Stores
Mesa Blvd. San Diego. Afghani Food International Market Amp Restaurant opened this fall, and while the name sounds like it comes from the headquarters of a global conglomerate, it does. 1. Aushak. Aushak is one of the most popular Afghan dishes and is generally eaten during the month of Ramadan or other Islamic festivals. Pasta noodles are filled with chives, tomato puree, kofta pashaan minced meat sauce and then topped with a special yogurt sauce and dried mint leaves. Junk food is advertised worldwide, mainly fast food, sugary drinks and high-fat sugar snacks. people, fueling a crisis of poor nutrition, obesity and negative long-term health outcomes 1, 2. The World Health Organization has called for government regulation to limit the marketing of food and beverages to Afghan culture. Afghanistan is rich in traditions and customs, and has long been a melting pot of a range of ethnic groups and cultures. The country is geographically positioned at the meeting point of the main cultural areas: the Middle East, Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent and the Far East. These different influences can be seen in the. If the current CAGR continues, India will be the second largest supermarket market in the world, according to the United Nations. Emerging Trends in India The Indian retail market is dominated by the food and grocery segment, which has been gaining popularity. of market share, followed by clothing and shoes 9.8, and consumer,