Essence of the Catholic Church from the New Testament Religion Essay

The seven sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion, Confession, Marriage, Holy Orders and the Anointing of the Sick form the life of the Catholic Church. All the sacraments were instituted by Christ himself, and each is an outward sign of inward grace. If we participate worthily, each one provides for us. Justice is also an important theme in the New Testament, but the concept and implementation of justice has shifted somewhat. The authors of the New Testament present a different view of righteousness. There is a change from the mighty God to be feared presented in the Old Testament to a more loving God in the New Testament. Foster nd On at the invitation of Pope Francis. the presidents of the world bishops' conferences met in the Vatican to discuss the current crisis of the faith and of the Church. The Sacrament of Confirmation: the seal or completion of baptism, receiving the mark of God the Holy Spirit and His seven sanctifying gifts. The Sacrament of Holy Communion: Receiving. In short, being a Roman Catholic means believing in Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity, following the teachings of the Bible and tradition, partaking of the sacraments, being part of a church community, and praying regularly. It is a faith that guides how we live and treat others. It is a faith that brings hope and peace. Objector: The Roman Catholic Church added seven books to the Old Testament during the Council of Trent in the sixteenth century. We Protestants accept thirty-nine books of the Old Testament, all written in Hebrew with a few parts in Aramaic, while you Catholics accept seven additional books, making forty-six. It looks like these seven,

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