The region is the history of the Vedic period

The Vedic age of ancient India is the 'heroic age' of Indian civilization. The period - and Indo-Aryans are believed to be the composer of Vedic texts. The Vedas recorded not only the religion of the Vedic people but also details of their lives that gave us a glimpse into their political, social and economic patterns. The Vedas existed in oral form and were passed down from master to student for generations until they were committed to writing between c. 1500 - c. But this period we are talking about, with the migration of these Indo-Aryans, is called the Vedic Period or the Vedic Period. It is called the Vedic Period because we learn about it from a collection of literary works we get from that time, most of them from the Pre-Vedic Period. It is believed that the history of yoga began even before the Vedic period. This dates back to the time when a Yogi first appeared in the higher mountain ranges of the Himalayas.

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